Papa Jockim, Bursar of Liberty College, reminded students who have not yet collected their school IDs to do so before the exams begin. He also urged students with outstanding fees to settle their accounts promptly. "No examination card will be issued to students who have not met all their obligations," Papa Jockim emphasized.
Mumbere Brean, the Registrar, alerted students who have not been assessed to meet with their tutors before Sunday to resolve any issues. "Failure to meet with your tutor will result in no free marks being awarded," he warned. Brean also reminded students that multiple practices are strictly prohibited in the examination room. "Any student found engaging in mal-practice will be terminated from the examination," he stated
Brean also advised the students that before they started writing on paper, he advised them to first read instructions before they started answering.
Birungu Severinah, one of the students, wished UBTEB students the best of luck as they began their exams, starting with the briefing. "May you all excel and achieve your academic goals," she said. Severinah also sent special success vibes to all accountants, particularly the finalists. "May your hard work and dedication pay off," she added.
Agaba Kato, the Deputy Principal, warned students that they must wear their uniforms during exams, stating that "no uniform, no exam." He also emphasized that any student found engaging in malpractice will be taken to court in Kampala to face the consequences alone.
Kato Agaba further advised students to leave any bad behaviors behind before entering the examination room.
The story written by Francis Muhindo.
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